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Case Studies

Ask yourself a question - do you want your accountant making a decision on your behalf without discussing the implications with you? One such client was told by his accountant that the savings available were not worth investigating when we raised the issue of remuneration planning with the client. Through our advice, the client was able to save over £40,000 each year and every year. By thinking bigger for the client, a strategy was put in place to start making these savings immediately and they have been enjoying them ever since.



How much do you have at risk if your business were to encounter serious difficulties and how long would it take you to make that money back? One of our clients had invested a substantial sum in new premises and equipment to help grow his business. Through discussions with the client we were able to identify certain external factors outside of his control that could have put it all at risk.


Through our advice, we were able to protect the fruits of his labour from future commercial risks, all of which was successfully completed with the full support of HM Revenue & Customs.


If you think that you are missing out on possible tax savings or there are areas of your business where you are at risk then please do not hesitate to Contact Us to arrange a meeting to see how Elwoods might be able to help you.

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